How to get to Yangshuo
Nowadays it is very convenient for travelers to get a vehicle to Yangshuo. There are many different ways to choose for how to go to Yangshuo.
By Bus

In Guilin there are many shuttle buses stop in the airport and train stations. You can see them when you out of the station. So it is easy to arriving Yangshuo. There is also a bus station next to the Guilin Railway Stationv. If you get off the train in Guilin Station you can easily get there. The price is US$5.5.
The whole way may cost you 1.5 hours in highway.
In Yangshuo there are two bus stations. The southern one is located in Yangshuo Administration of Agricultural Mechanization which is send to other cities and provinces. The northern one is next to the Yangshuo Government Affairs Service Center. And this station is sending buses to Guilin and villages around Yangshuo.
By Boat

Taking boat to Yangshuo (Li River Cruise) is a way full of ease and relaxes. But you should take boat in Mt. Mopan Marina (28km far from city center). You can only take taxi to arrive there (cost about US$18). You can enjoy the beautiful spots in Li River. On the side of the trip you can see those famous spots such as Jiuma Mountain and Amah Rock. The ship will stop in Yangshuo Longtou Hill.
And there is a Zhujiang Marina (32km far from city center) for foreign visitors and many famous people visited here. You should take taxi for 40-50min (cost about US$25). The ship will stop in Yangshuo Marina and West Street is 100m far from yard. The boat can’t be very fast so it may spend you 4.5 hours but you can have a lunch in boat during the trip. The cost is US$60.
Tips: you can’t take boat from Yangshuo to Guilin cause it only provide one way sailing, so if you want to come back Guilin you should take coaches (about US$5.5).
By Train

Now the trains in China are changed into high speed trains. And many small places are having fast train stations. You can take fast train in Guilin to go to Yangshuo in half hours. Yangshuo Station is located in Xingping where 22km far from Yangshuo city center. There are three train stations in Guilin. Guilin North Railway Station is located in Bali Road. You can take No.1, No.32 and No.100 Bus arrives there. In North Station you can take D2831(07:47 – 08:19) and D8231(12:17 – 12:50) to Yangshuo. Guilin Railway Station is next to the city center, you can take No.2, No.10, No.11, No.16, No.22, No.27, and No.100 Bus to get there. You can take D8244 (20:41 – 21:33) to arrive Yangshuo.
Guilin Xi Railway Station is a new station opened in January 10th, 2016. This station is located in Lingchuan County so it is far away from Guilin city center so you should take a taxi to station (about US$6 and 30min). You can take D2855 (11:55 – 12:26), D2853 (13:55 – 14:26), D2811 (14:40 – 15:11) and D2825 (18:16 – 18:47) to Yangshuo. The ticket cost is US$3.7. If you want to see Yangshuo fast you can choose this option.
Related reading: Guilin Transportation
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Sally Guo
Travel Advisor